The Lab: Creative Resource Center is a Black, Queer, Disabled Owned Community Space. We believe that we are displaying “Artivism in Action,” where we are artists and activists simultaneously. Our Mission is to create a safe and accessible space for Black and Brown Artists from ALL walks of life. We will uphold Community Rules inside the space that will ensure it is safe and inclusive for all! During our daily hours, we provide a safe space for creatives to come and create outside of the home. We also provide the opportunity to rent the space for any type of artistic event! Our founder/CEO Jordin “QVEEN” Paige is also available for all of your event planning/consultation needs.

Want To Inquire About Renting the Space? Fill Out The Form Below!

In the Message Box, be sure to include your best point of contact, the type of event you would like to have, and a tentative date for the event!